What to Wear: College Edition

I actually can't believe how long it took me to get this blog post up! I'm such a lazy arse, like its the photos that take the time because sometimes the weather on the day doesn't suit or  maybe you have a wardrobe malfunction (like spilling coffee all down your blouse....) but I got photos taken eventually and now we have a blog post, Yay! 
So this is the third part of my college series and its all about outfit ideas for college. I know these might not be everyones cup of tea but I tried to pull together affordable outfits that may have a key piece to them that'll go with many other outfits or be something you'll have in your wardrobe for years!

Numero Uno...

Simple & Chic, this outfit is perfect for the transitional season with the bright colours of summer but covering up slightly more not that theres a chill in the air.

Jacket: Zara €50 (may still be online but it was bought back in May)
Jeans: Zara €12 (sale)
Blouse: Penneys €13 (new stock)
Shoes: Penneys €14 (new stock)

Numero Dos...

Not for the faint hearted, this outfit was my fav to pull together! Although the windy west isn't ideal with skirt lovers this midi braved through the storm!

Jacket: Zara €30 (sale)
Top: Penneys €12 (new stock - also available on Missguided in Black)
Belt: Penneys €3 (new stock)
Skirt: Penneys €3 (sale recently)
Boots: River Island €65 (new stock)

Numero Tres...

Comfort is key, and this outfit has comfy written all over it! College can be a cold and tiring place so skinny jeans & runners are the best combo for the days were getting out of bed was near impossible!

Top: Penneys €10 (cami - new stock)
Jeans: Penneys €13 (new stock)
Shoes: Adidas - Office €80 (new stock)
Jacket: Penneys (old stock so not 100% sure on price!)

Thanks so much for reading guys,
I hope this gave you some sort of inspiration
towards college outfits but trust me, even I have days
were I'm close to wearing my pyjamas in!

Stay Stylish,

Shauna xox

College Edition: Whats In My Bag?

So as I was sorting out my college bag and getting all my bits and bobs together I now know where most of my wages go...towards stationary! I love a good organiser and matching notebooks to folders but oh my god I spend ridiculous amounts on paper basically..

This is just a little FYI before properly beginning this blog post - As most of you know I study science so what I carry around through college may be completely different to what a business student or an arts student would bring around with them such as a Lab Coat, lab glasses etc. so I tried my best to make this as basic and relatable for every student as possible!

The Bag...

I have to say that this year the bag pack is totally on trend but for me and all the bits that I lug around I cant find a stylish one anywhere that is big enough, especially if you're like me and bring everything and the kitchen sink with you. I did manage to buy a super chic bag, which was totally inspired by Freya Broni and her fab fab fab bag from Zara, and it only costed me €22... and no it wasn't from Penneys (for once!).

I bought the bag in H&M in Swords a couple of weeks ago and it was exactly what I wanted and needed! It fits everything and its super comfortable. But just in case there are days that I may have only a few lectures and not a lot of stuff to carry around I got myself a fab little bag pack from Penneys, like I have to stay on trend...

The Basics... 

So obviously you need things to write on and write with. I got a bit carried away with note books this year as I like to re-write everything to give me the sense that I understand everything we learnt in class when really I don't. I got two packs of these three A4 copies from Easons which were about €4 and I've one for each module then and I got two of these refill pads from Tesco which were €6 each and I use them in class when taking down extra notes to fill into my main notes at home that evening (I'm making myself feel way more organised that I actually am).

I got a cute pink holographic pencil case from Penneys of course but it wouldn't be me unless I misplace the thing a week before starting college... And then I bought all of Easons to fill the missing pencil case haha! I also cant find my calculator either, but the pencil case is still a bigger loss right now. A memory stick is a must for any student in any course, I cant't stress that enough. You do some many assignments and projects throughout college so I'd definitely invest in one asap! Being honest I get one every year off my parents as a stocking filler cause I'm constantly 'misplacing' them...

I got a cute marble notepad from Penneys (how many times can you says Penneys in one blog post...) just because it was marble and rose gold and then I bought an agenda from My Shining Armour and I just cant wait to fill it in!

The Essentials...

Okay so technically its essential to have  pen & paper for college but like what if you want a coffee? A pen wont get you that! Bits like a card holder/purse, your headphones, your phone etc. are bits that people carry everywhere with them so I had to include them in this post. Especially for girls, we carry every bit of make up we own with us, in case of emergencies...

eI ither have my iPad or laptop with me because all of my college notes are online so it is super handy to have, hand cream because no one wants crusty hands and perfume or if you're like me Victoria Secret Body Spray all day everyday!

I'm really hoping I havn't left anything out of this but I think thats all of the standard bits covered! Let me know if this was helpful in anyway and best of luck to all who have started back to college this week!

Thanks for reading,

Stay Stylish,

Shauna xox 

The College Series 101

Hi Guys! So technically I've no excuse for why the blog posts stopped all of a sudden 2/3 weeks ago but I've been planning this blog post for almost two weeks now so I was putting all my focus into it! I'm going into my third year of college and I remember when I started my first year not knowing what to expect,what I needed to buy for my student accommodation and silly things like that but I feel like a pro at this stage going around Penneys picking up everything in like five minutes!
I came up with the idea that a College Series of blog posts would be something different to do and after the response that Cloda Scanlon aka Orange Obviously got off her college haul blog post I knew there was an audience out there that wanted blog posts like these.
I've five blog post planned for the month of September and then throughout the year I'll be uploading different posts in relation to college etc. but for today I'm starting off with what you need to buy/get when moving into student accommodation, so basically a home wear haul, my fav!

I'm kinda OCD when it comes to my room and I like to have a theme in a sense like monochrome or Aztec etc. and although everywhere you look it marble/monochrome and copper (like my bedroom in Drogheda) I've decided to get colourful and go for a Moroccan themed room!

What you need: Bedroom....          What you need: Bathroom...       

Bed Sheets                                                                Towels
Duvet & Pillows                                                       Toiletries
Mirror (some may already have them)                     Hand Soap for the sink  incase noone else gets it!
Hangers                                                                     Bleach/Toilet Cleaner
                                                                                  Toilet Paper

Extras...                                                                     Extras...
Candles                                                                     Bath Mat
Cushions                                                                   Toothbrush holder
Fairy Lights
Storage boxes

Photo frames/Pictures

What you need: Kitchen....

The kitchen is more than likely full of all the necessary utensils but if you're like me I like to bring my own cup (maybe even two) and a decent chopping bored. You'll need tea towels, fairy liquid and dish clothes/brilo pads for around the sink and the lights of kitchen roll and tin foil etc. but thats probably it! Well, apart from the huge food shop your mam will be doing when you're about to move in lol...

TopTip: I can get cold easily and even with the heating on sometimes I still feel the cold so invest in a good pair of jammies and maybe even a dressing gown and warm slippers!
Also, even if your bed is a single bed why not just buy a double duvet for extra warmth? Its great during the winter to be able to wrap yourself up in it like a sausage roll haha!

Here are some of the bits I've gotten already for my house already for my move next week...

If you have any questions at all about starting college or where I bought most of my stuff ( Penneys Obvs!) you can comment below of find me on Facebook on the Pearls & Poison page!
Btw the travel kettle is for my bedroom, I'm a tea drinking addict...haha!

Thanks for reading,

Stay Stylish,

Shauna xox