It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello my lovelies, today i wasn't too sure what to do exactly for my blog post so i thought, what the heck, I'll do something Christmassy and glitzy so here it is!

This weekend i decided to finally go get my wrapping paper cause every other year my Mam just gets enough for the both of us to use! So since i had a big decision on what to choose i said i better go to a shop with a hundred and one designs to choose from, Penneys! I eventually found a funky moustache print (which isn't that Christmassy) that looks so different! I can't wait to give people they're presents just so they can laugh at the wrapping papers haha!

Since it's not long now till the fat man comes sliding down our chimney i tried (but not succeeded) in painting my nails in a festive way! I'm not expert with nail painting skills but for an amateur i tried as best as i could with the use of my very, very shaky hands!

I love this time of year for so many reasons, you can eat all you like and not care, drink all the hot drink imaginable like my newest favourite Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks and  the sparkling decorations that can either be tacky or totes amazeballs and this weekend my family and i put up our decorations! I think its definitely the finishing touches on the Christmas spirit!

And of course i had to add a touch of Christmas to my room and last year i got this little fellow to stand up on my self to keep me company!
If your into the whole world of Vlogs like i am, go check out Zoella who is an amazing YouTuber who done a daily vlog through out the month of December, Vlogmas! It really puts you into the Christmas mood!

I'm off now for another week to watch The Santa Clause 2!! I hope everyone has a great week :)

Stay Stylish,

Shauna x x