Posing in Poland...

I have been super duper quiet these last few weeks for many reasons but mainly because I have my head buried in books studying for my collage exams. I'm trying to get everything ready for when collage is over by preparing blog posts in advance and working with some companies for giveaways/collaborations to come and stuff like that but I know I struggle when it comes to finding balance between being a full time student, working part time and blogging (my favorite thing obvs ).

Back in April I brought Niall to Poland as part of his Christmas present (best girlfriend ever!) and the both of us had an amazing time! We saw so much and got to do loads of fun things while we were there and I definitely think there is a second trip on the horizon....

I didn't get to take loads of outfit pictures but on our last day we made use of the only dull day by taking some quick snaps!

 Top: Bershka/ Jeans: Primark/ Shoes: River Island/ Necklace: Primark

I cannot wait to go back exploring Krakow, it was by far one of the nicest cities I've ever been to and to make it even better they sell Inglot make-up for half the price because its produced in Poland!!

Hopefully this is the start of getting back into the swing of things for Pearls & Poison!
If you havn't already done so, add me on snapchat UN: shaaza21
and check out the facebook page because I have been nominated for a blog award woohoo!!

Stay Stylish,

Shauna xox  

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